International Borneo Innovation Exhibition & Competition (IBIEC)

International Borneo Innovation Exhibition & Competition (IBIEC) 2021 Category Electric, Electronics & Telecommunication (International Level)

Gold Achievement

POLSRI has participated in the International Borneo Innovation Exhibition & Competition (IBIEC) 2021.  This program was held virtually by Politeknik Mukah Sarawak (PMU) on the 7th of July – 18th of August 2021. The theme of IBIEC 2021 is IR 4.0 Innovation in the New Norm which parallels with PMU as the Centre of Technology (COT).  PMU motto is “IT Teras Entiti” which indicates their expertise in Information Technology as a key element in the 4.0 Industry.

IBIEC has adopted a virtual platform for innovators to present their innovations and share knowledge with panels from the industry and academicians from all over the world. IBIEC has seven competition categories, namely:

  1. Category 1 Construction & Material / Build Environment & Interior Design
  2. Category 2 Machine, Equipment & Manufacturing Process
  3. Category 3 ICT & Multimedia
  4. Category 4 Electric, Electronics & Telecommunication
  5. Category 5 Green Product / Algriculture / Environtment / Renewable Energy
  6. Category 6 Teaching & Learning
  7. Category 7 Social Science & Enterprenuership

This program helps participants to recognize high-impact innovations and their commercial possibilities. It also initiates future collaborations with institutions, industry, and stakeholders.  Thus, it creates a sharing platform among the innovators who are participating in this competition.

The competition was conducted by some steps, i.e., 1. uploading the abstracts in the IBIEC website; 2. uploading innovation videos on the G-Bot YouTube channel.  The video of the POLSRI team can be accessed in the link  All projects from each category were selected to get TOP 5.  One of them is the POLSRI team’s innovation. As the TOP 5, POLSRI team should present virtually their project to the panels and on 26th August 2021.  Thanks God, the POLSRI team who brings the innovation, entitled “Wireless Charging Garbage Robot Innovation Based On Internet Of Things For Z-Generation has beome the runner up in the 4th category, namely: Electric, Electronics & Telecommunication.  In addition, this innovation has also been awarded of Gold Achievement from the IBIEC 2021.   

In this occasion, the POLSRI tean was represented by by: Dr.Nyayu Latifah Husni, Dr.Ade Silvia Handayani, M.Adib Al-Mughny, Edo Syaelendra Bindu Pasal dan Fatma Indah Sari.

This achievement got an extraordinary appreciation which has been published through following websites and Instagram social media: