December 23, 2014NewsEA Monday, 22 December 2014. The substitute regent of OKU, Drs H Kuryana Aziz visited Polsri. In his short visit, he and Director of State Polytechnic of Sriwijya, RD. Kusumanto, ST, M.M., discussed about future plan of community college establishment in OKU. Director of State Polytecnic of Sriwijaya expressed his warm welcome for the substitute regent’s plan since it is in accordance to the Act Number 12 Year 2012 which states that local government plays an active role in developing education which is suitable for the local human resource. This kind of education is known as community college.
The high interest of OKU people for getting good education makes OKU local goverment plan to open community college. OKU Education Office (OEO) has proposed to Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education to open community college in OKU. OEO has cooperated with Polsri for providing education for poor people. In this visit the substitute regent said to Polsri Director that OKU has alocated ± 15 Hectare for community college location. Polsri Director warmly welcomed the seriousness of local goverment in developing education for its people. (EV)