Saturday, 10 January 2015, sited in Graha Pendidikan Polsri, grand final of Bujang and Gadis Polsri 2015 Contest was success. Meidiansyah and Agmel Valenda looked so happy when they were announced as Bujang and Gadis Polsri (BGP) 2015. The result was announced after series of selection processes, starting from academic test, interview, and quarantine period. Agmel, a common girl born on 19 April 1993 and studying in Accounting Major, never thinks that she wins the predicate of Gadis Polsri. She said that starting from the beginning till the winner announcement, she did her best at any time. She continued that the key of her success was ‘be yourself’.
Agmel admitted that she was so happy with the result since the selection processes, big 50 to 24 finalists, were very difficult. She feels very proud that her achievement makes her parents proud of her. The title of Gadis Polsri is a mandate for her. She will design her work plan as Polsri Educational and Cultural Ambassador as soon as possible.
Meidiansyah, the third semester student of Administration Business, stated almost the same idea. He will design his work plan as soon as possible. He states that this is their new duties as Polsri Bujang and Gadis 2015. We will plan various programs as Polsri educational and cultural ambassadors.
Meanwhile Agustama, chairperson of the committee, stated that there were 12 pairs (24 students) of finalists in BGP 2015. There were 11 Majors participated in this event with the total participants of 165 students. It was not easy to reach Big 24 moreover winner position. The committee members of BGP 2015 feel so proud since BGP 2015 was success.