December 1, 2014NewscnetEA Student Association of Chemical Engineering Polsri (SACEP) held the 16th national meeting of ICESACB. This activity is the second program of SACEP. It was held from 1-5 December 2014. The 16th National Meeting of ICESACB and Indonesian Chemical Engineer Association Chemical Board (ICCACB). The Decision of Polsri as the host of the 16th national meeting ICESACB was based on the result of the 12th National Discussion in Indonesian Moslem University, Makassar in March. The theme of the 16th national meeting of ICESACB was “Get together in welcoming Asean Economic Community 2015”.
The 16th national meeting of ICESACB was addressed for building cooperation and brotherhood among Indonesian Chemical Engineering students as nation component in supporting national development, formulating steps for Indonesian Chemical Engineering students as the nation component in welcoming Asean Economic Community, cultivating potential and strengthening the knowledge of Indonesian Chemical Engineering students who will work in industry in globalization era, broadening Chemical Engineering students’ national insight and competition power in global market, broadening Chemical Engineering students’ insight and actively play role in academic society, professional and industry, as the arena for exchanging science and appropriate technology among Chemical Engineering students in Indonesia, and introducing Palembang as one of best places for the development of Chemical Engineering in Indonesia. The benefit of this event was that it connected Chemical Engineering students from all over Indonesia and also introduce culture and other aspects of Palembang-the city of the 16 national meeting of ICESACB. Students also got knowledge on how to play active role in academic function, organization and network.
This event was attended by 30 higher education institutions-members and candidate members of ICESACB. It was opened by Asistant III (Welfare) as the representative of South Sumatera Governor and continued with remarks from Director of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, RD. Kusumanto, S.T.,M.M. This event was attended by Professor from University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr.Ing. . Ir, Misri Gozan, M.Tech, Head of Indonesian Chemical Engineer Association Chemical Board (ICCACB) Ir. Nanang Untung, Suryandaru, S.T.,M.T, CEO of Nano Center Indonesia, Drs. H Nurjaman, Head of APINDO, Vices of Polsri Director, Head of department, and lecturers in Chemical Engineering Department .
It was initiated by national seminar on how to face Asean Economic Community 2015. Then it was continued by Internal Audit ISO 9001 by Solusi Maxi and Profession Ethic Training by ICCACB, MoU signing for cooperation between ICESACB and ICCACB, Chemical Engineering Declaration, Industrial Visit to PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya and PT. Pertamina RU III Plaju, Dinner and Musi Tour. This event got high appreciation from big companies such as PT. Perta Samtan Gas, Sumsel Babel Bank, Energy and Mining Office of South Sumatera Province, PT. PLN Area Palembang, Cabe Rawit Printing & Copy Center, Wisma Olga dan Win Grafika. (EV)