Palembang, Saturday 17/08/2024. Sriwijaya State Polytechnic (Polsri) held a flag ceremony to commemorate the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, on August 17, 2024 in the parking lot of the electrical engineering department.
During the ceremony, the red and white flag was raised directly by the flag-raising team. The flag ceremony took place solemnly. The ceremony was led by Carlos RS., M.T as Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs representing the Acting Director of Polsri.
The flag ceremony was attended directly by Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs, Deputy Director II for Finance, Deputy Director III for Student Affairs and Deputy Director IV for Polsri Cooperation, as well as the Head of Department, Head of Study Program, Lecturers and Education Personnel, and student representatives from each department.
The ceremony also included the awarding of the Satya Badge to 3 (three) Polsri Civil Servants. It is hoped that Polsri will continue to advance and prosper. Happy 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia. Independence of Indonesia, we are proud to be Indonesian citizens!