
The Indonesian government needs new efforts to restore economic condition. One of the efforts is shifting national economic priority from resource-based economy to knowledge-based economy. This shifting makes science and technology become very important in supporting Long-term Development Vision (LTDV) Year 2005-2025-“ Developed, Independent, and Just Indonesia”. To response this, many organizations have evolved to dynamic network. In a dynamic network organization, the role of Information Technology is very important.

The development of business and industry at this time will greatly affect the use of technology. The use of appropriate technology will produce faster, precise and appropriate information and more effective communication.

This condition will greatly influence the number of human resources who master current technology. Informatics Management covers concept to scientific development in programming and design.

Professional competence in science can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. The abilityto designandprogramappropriateapplication;
  2. The abilityto thinkorplan computerizedprocess approachby usingcomputeras the media for data human resourcesandnetwork;
  3. The abilityto develop up to date applicationfor better performance.

These comprehensive basics allow graduates to adapt concepts or ideas of new technologies. Present computerized era causes companies to employ more programming experts.

Informatics Management (DIV) study program prepares professional for IT. For this, Informatics Management Study Program utilizes competency-based curriculum.

Informatics Management is the combination of computer science and management by making the most of computer technology through logical processes. The focus of Informatics Management is computer programming, software for various applications in business, multimedia and graphics.

Computer and Information Science Curriculum in Indonesia is adapted from Computing Curricula. Computing Curricula guidelines for curriculum development in the field of computers is organized jointly by several international organizations in the field of computers such as AIS (the Association for Information Systems), ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) and the IEEE-CS (the IEEE Computer Society). This curriculum provides guidance on the naming of courses and curricula along with the weighting in five majors, namely: Computer Engineering (CE, Computer Engineering), Computer Science (CS, Computer Science), Information Systems (IS, Information Systems), Information Technology (IT, Information Technology), and Software Engineering (SE, Software Engineering). In general in Indonesia, Department of Informatics Management is in Information Systems (Information Systems) group.

Department of Information Systems or Informatics Management (IS, Information Systems) produces graduates who are capable of analyzing the needs (requirements) and business processes (business process), as well as the design of information systems based on the goals of the organization.



Toward a leading vocational study program in information systems which produces smart, religious, qualified, noble, professional human resources who can compete in globalization era.

  1. Organizingandcontinuously improvingnationalandinternationalstandard vocational educationin informationtechnology;
  2. Developing organizationandimproving the quality ofresource managementin Informatics ManagementStudy Program to achieve effective, efficient and sustainable performances;
  3. Increasing knowledgeandskillsbased on competencies required;
  4. Promoting research, teachingandcommunity servicein informationsystems;
  5. Producingcompetitive, religious, good moraleand characterizedprofessional experts in informationsystems;
  6. Producingexperts whoare able to be entrepreneurs in informationsystems.



To produce skillful professionals who have good science and technology mastery in data transformation technology through computer as the media.



  1. At least 80% of lecturers write textbook in 2015
  2. Minimum GPA in 2016 is 3.0
  3. Minimum TOEIC score in 2015 is 380
  4. At least 70% of Alumni in 2018 have ≤ 6 month waiting period for first job.
  5. At least 5 titles of lecturer’s innovative research per year
  6. At least 5 community service programs per year.


Strategies to achieve targets

Strategies to Achieve Target 1

  1. Plan and compile material for each subject based on the development of industry;
  2. Supervise the process of textbook compilation.

Strategies to Achieve Target 2

  1. Plan and compile material for textbook based on the development of industry;
  2. Supervise teaching and learning process;
  3. Upgrade the teaching and learning method and media.

Strategies to Achieve Target 3

  1. Set TOEIC in first semester, assign English subject for four semesters, and set TOEIC in sixth semester;
  2. Motivate students to improve their English ability.

Strategies to Achieve Target 4

  1. Cooperate with industries;
  2. Communicate intensely with alumni who have already worked;
  3. Organize briefing for all alumni candidates.

Strategies to Achieve Target 5

  1. Cooperate with related parties for doing research;
  2. Provide training for lecturers about research method;
  3. Invite guest lecturers.

Strategies to Achieve Target 6

  1. Cooperate with related parties for conducting community service;
  2. Provide training for lecturers about community service.


Graduates’ Profile

The result of the educational process in Informatics Management (DIV) Study Program is expected to produce religious, responsible, honest, virtuous, noble, and highly motivated graduates who understand and master the approach, methods, scientific principles and skills and their application in solving problems related to informatics management. Graduates must be able to work as programmers and experts in graphic design and multimedia, uphold professionalism, have critical thinking, be systemic, appreciate personal and other people work, speak and behave wisely, be sensitive and responsive to problems in information technology and be able to cooperate with cross-disciplinary individuals in conducting community-based planning.


Learning Outcomes

Based on data survey from several districts/cities in South Sumatra and the results of tracer study,  the qualification of Informatics Management graduates are as follows:

  1. Able to usecomputer softwarefor operatingsystem, languageprogrammingand programapplicationsfor businessdata processing(such as geographicinformationsystems, graphics, andmultimedia).
  2. Able to translatelogicsequence intoprogram application.
  3. Able to usebusinessapplicationprograms.
  4. Ableto designandcreate abusinessapplicationprogram.
  5. Ableto designandcreate web businessapplication programthatcan be displayedin a web form.
  6. Ableto designandcreateanimation programused in web business applicationprogram.
  7. Ableto designandcreate adatabase applicationfor web business applications.
  8. Ableto designandcreatean e-business application program.
  9. Able to designandbuild computernetwork with computersecuritysystem base.
  10. Able to applymanagementinformationsystemin order toobtaina reliable businessinformationsystem.
  11. Able tostart a new businessin Informatics either independently orin groups.
  12. Able tobe aleaderin electronicdata processing.


Graduates’ Competences

Informatics  Management Graduates’ Competences are as follows:

  1. Management
  1. Able toinitiatebrilliant ideas;
  2. Able tomanagemanagerial tasks;
  3. Able to manage financial tasks.
  1. Information Systems (IS)
  1. Able to utilize and adapt to the  information systems;
  2. Able to be responsible for personal work;
  3. Able to take appropriate decisionbased oninformationand data analysis, andable toprovide guidance inselectingthe variousalternativesolutionsindependently.
  1. Information Systems Based Administration
  1. Able to use applications for office information systems;
  2. Able tobe responsible forpersonal work;
  3. Able to take right decisions based on information and data analysis, and able to provide guidance in selecting various alternative solutions independently.
  1. Multimedia Designer
  1. Able to utilize multimedia applications;
  2. Able to implement multimedia application in Business.
  1. Information Systems Analyst
    Able to analyze and design information systems.
    F. Programming
    Able to design business programs.


Training  Services

  1. Web Design Training
  2. Web Programming Training
  3. Geographical Positioning System (GPS) Training
  4. SPSS Training
  5. Microsoft Office Training
  6. Multimedia Training
  7. Graphic Design Training



  1. Multimedia and fully air conditioned classroom.
  2. Networking and Web Design Laboratory.
  3. Programming Laboratory.
  4. Information System and Data Base Laboratory.
  5. Geographic Information Systems Laboratory.
  6. Data Processing Laboratory.
  7. Multimedia and Computer Graphic Laboratory.
  8. Operating Systems Laboratory.
  9. Hotspot Area with 120 Mbps bandwidth
  10. Video Teleconference.
  11. E-library (Digital Library).
  12. ICT based Academic Information System.
  13. E-Journal.
  14. E-learning.