February 5, 2015 News EA
Palembang, 2 February 2015, located in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya Hall starting from 2-4 February 2015, representatives of English Study Program of polytechnics in Indonesia drafted English Study Program learning outcome.
This activity was aimed at producing learning outcome draft which will be proposed to Indonesian Polytechnic Director Forum (IPDF). It was opened by the chairman of IPDF, RD. Kusumanto, S.T., M.M. and continued by presentation about learning outcome based on KKNI and SNDIKTI. The KKI and learning outcome drafting were done in group work discussion.
The second day were presentations about English need in industry and learning outcome of English Department (D3 program). Before closing, group discussion was done and the result of group disscussion is sent to Director Forum for legalization. The activity was officially closed by the chairman of Indonesian Polytechnic Director Forum.